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Need help in preventing users spamming.


New Member
I have recently had some spammers sign up to my service. I have tried to stop this, but i cannot find who is sending them. I have blocked sign up to the free hosting accounts until i have found a way to prevent this.

Does anyone have any Ideas to completely block my server from sending spam? Is there any way to completely block the email function on free accounts. I have turned of exim but the spam emails are still getting sent to the email queue.

Thankyou all in advanced your assistance

Andrew from 94MB.com
If Exim is off... from what I've experienced, the spam emails should stop. Do you have "nobody" allowed to sent mail? That should always be disabled in a shared environment in my opinion.

Thats a good question though... I might consider changing our policy on resellers being able to give out free accounts if there were a way to disable the mail functions on certain accounts.
Hi 94MB.com,

You must also install suPHP to find out any culprits. If you run cPanel based servers, then you can also make use of "View Relays" from the WHM interface to detect any abusive users.

There is no 100% way to block spam - it's a proactive task, especially for free web hosts. There will always unfortunately be new exploits / ways to send spam. Good luck!
I would go into "Tweak Settings" under WHM (root access) and change it so the user "nobody" cannot send emails. You can also limit the amount of emails going out, in the same area.

As far as turning email off, don't turn exim off, go to the feature manager, and you can disable specific features in there, including email accounts. You can specify who gets what "Feature Plan" when you setup accounts.

Hope this helps!

if you are still recieving issues, please let me know!
Is there any way that i can force a signiture on EVERY email that the server sends, like the one hotmail adds? I could put a disclaimer stating... this email is sent using 94MB.com Free Website Hosting and is not a bank/lottery drugs email.

Is there any way that i can force a signiture on EVERY email that the server sends, like the one hotmail adds? I could put a disclaimer stating... this email is sent using 94MB.com Free Website Hosting and is not a bank/lottery drugs email.


That sounds like a question for the developers of Exim.
Is there any way that i can force a signiture on EVERY email that the server sends, like the one hotmail adds? I could put a disclaimer stating... this email is sent using 94MB.com Free Website Hosting and is not a bank/lottery drugs email.

I know mail sent through those Byethost "free for the cost of a domain name" resellers gets one such signature automatically appended (Byet advertisement). Wouldn't know how they do it though, seems to slow down the sending a few hours or so, too, unless there's other issues involved.

The signature you want to append sounds a bit odd though. What if the mail sent through your services WAS a "bank/lottery drugs" thing ? Even if it's against your TOS there's bound to be a few that'll try. Maybe better explain that this stuff if included is against your TOS and to please contact your abuse address before running amok on you.
Some hosts have a physical limit on the number of emails you are allowed to send, perhaps you could have something like that done, There is also software which if you have root ssh access/vps, dedi etc will monitor all this sort of stuff for you, as well as for brute attacks, failed logins etc, but i can't remember the name of it, hmph, lol
Could set a limit as mentioned. We only allow 100 emails an hour unless specifically requested permission and justification is given.