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managed wordpress hosting

MYSql+ PHP once again


New Member
Sorry to ask these questions once again.
I know it has been asked so many times, but why there is not stable ( a little bit stable ) free space for us?

except that ugly tripod .co.uk
and so many postings from which I never know I will got one.
Originally posted by phandsome
Sorry to ask these questions once again.
I know it has been asked so many times, but why there is not stable ( a little bit stable ) free space for us?

except that ugly tripod .co.uk
and so many postings from which I never know I will got one.
try http://www.datablocks.net/
they offer 20M/FTP/PHP/MYSQL/5 EMAIL
Thank you for your information

I will try to sign up once again, but I don't know when it will last.
Let me pray the god

As far as I know, this website was very good for sometime, but then suddenly disappear, and now to back?
lol .. it's always like that .. free first .. then they turn into
paid hosting .. to get ppl into paying ..
.. I have seen it over and over again .. too many times ..
it never fails
the webhosters use free webspace to practice for the real thing..
.. to improve their administrative skills ..
no money lost, if you accidently delete a couple of gigs ..
or they have a million banners , popupwindows
and shit who tries to install modem hijackers..