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My registar hijacked my domain!


W as in Whisky
All info reset to defaul 000domains.com info
Billing, admin, technical, nameservers!!!

Even my username/password are gone + they wont reply to my emails.

Perhaps they didn't recieve payment or something? or maybe your domain or you somehow violated their TOS? That seems totally odd! Next time I would use a tried and true registar like godaddy or namecheap. (from what I see on 000domains both of the registars I mentioned are cheaper too!)

Another good rule to follow for online purchases is to make sure there is a contact phone # posted on their website. If there is no Phone # and you don't know about the reputation of the site, don't use it.
Originally posted by Blank Verse
What'd you do?:devious2:
Well I changed my nameservers since Valcato moved me to the new 3rd server they bought, and then they took away my access.

1st time I've ever having problems with 000domains, they were always reliable and everything + great support....

What can I do?
Is it the domain in your sig? The WHOIS at 000domains.co says that one is registered to you.