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Most Important person in Life??


New Member
Whom you prefer most second important person in your life? Give reason...! (Without mother and father..! Of course they are first)

I prefer my grandfather. I don't have reason.
my option is friend ,becoz we share our happiness and problems every thing with our friends than parents.Geeting a Gud friend may be better ,than getting a gud partner.
Of course my big bro is second important person in my life who is always there for me in any bad or good situation in my life (first is definitely my parents).
beside my mother, my girlfriends, his husband and also my far far away girlfriend is the most important person in my life
My other siblings. As much as possible, I would like them to be at good condition. Aside from them, my niece and nephew. I want them to have a decent life like any other kids.
The family, wife & 2 kids, b/c sometimes it's what motivates me, other times makes me happy, other times mad...it's what helps me define who/what I am.