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LiquidSound is in testing stages!


New Member
Hello everyone,

I finally got enough time to push Liquidsound into testing stages. Please look at it and tell me what you think. If you have some free time on your hands I would appreciate if you would try different sections and tell me what you think about them. If any bugs or errors appear by no means report them I ll fix them ASAP.

I also wanted to check my radio station capacity so if you are into trance/euro please connect and listen a bit :)

Site : http://liquidsound.isurf.ca

Thank you for your time!
VERY nice looking site...nicely laid out, great graphics (which load quickly), great colour scheme

BUT (yes, there is always a but)...i could have lived a little happier without seeing the "glowsticks" section...personally glad it wasn't finished or else i may have been scarred for life :p
Tested in Mozilla 800x600. A bit orange but a very nice design that I've not seen before - so difficult to have a unique design these days. I've no idea what trance music is but I sure your target audience know what it is. Links on the left roll over fine. The menu at the top doesn't seem to rollover (unless Mozilla isn't showing it). The menu at the bottom of the page doesn't seem to work - not sure if it's supposed to. Overall though, a very nice design. Good luck with it.

i want to thank everyone for reviewing. I honestly haven't tested site in anything but ie. Thanks for mozilla test, nickc. I tried to keep design simple that's why no rollovers on webpage. Side menu uses css, but it is hard to tell without looking at the code.

I completely forgot about bottom menu, I ll fix it asap.

2 n7of9: hehe what's wrong with glowsticking? :D I have done it many times and nobody seemed scared, :biggrin2: . Well, I guess you have your own reasons for not liking it.
Orange is not really a color if favor too much, but you have done a good job with it. Your website is unique, and I like it. Good job! :)
Great site I like it alot. Is there any tuts out there to customize phpnuke like you have done, Ive tryed in the past and failed, or maybe you could help me out ?
2 digital.bath
aren't NUKE mods bad?

yes they are very bad!

2 pro5ject:

Great site I like it alot. Is there any tuts out there to customize phpnuke like you have done, Ive tryed in the past and failed, or maybe you could help me out ?

Sure I ll help you mate! I recommend to download a free theme, or couple. Websites with quality themes are nukemods.com and mtechnik.com. Then look at the code in theme.php. You will see that this file calls footer, header, block.html and etc. So you'll just need to edit html files.

There are better tuts than mine. Search forums on those website and I am sure you will find a good one. If you are stuck in something ask me or post on those forums.

Good luck!
Uhm, I should appologize for being sarcastic about saying nuke mods are bad. I ve been following nuke development since very early stages. And yes it was buggy at the beginning but holes were closed. Many people put lots of time into development of modules and patches.

I don't know any paid host who would restrict putting phpnuke on their server. If there is one please tell me.

The best solution in most cases will be to write cms yourself. But for me it is not. I want to concentrate on content rather than programming in php. So why reinvent somthing, when phpnuke has everything (well, most of) what I need?
'nuke programs - all nuke programs (e.g. phpnuke, postnuke, etc.) are prohibited on infinology's servers and network. any and all instances of the program running will result in an immediate suspension/termination of the account thus initiating system administrator review.'
heh, indeed they don't allow nuke 'instances'

for anyone who is interested it is in their 'acceptable use policy' last paragraph. There is no reason given of why they restrict nukes.

There is a common belief that nuke uses a lot of system resources. Well, if you have messed something up in the script, if you have tons of visitors and etc system might get overloaded. But on the other hand phpnuke.org is running with 400-500 people watching site at any given time. And i see sites with 10k members which are running just fine...

I can't tell exactly why Infinology banned nuke. May be you should ask them?
im on their server.. i'm not too keen on drawing too much attention to myself :) just because.. well they probably don't like me all that much. i ask for too much tech support.. and their staff is probably suffering from some kinda.. stress related disorder :)