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Link wheel is best for SEO


New Member
Link wheel is strategy in which you create some articles on social media websites and link them in a wheel. It drives traffic and backlinks to your websites if and only if you are creating QUALITY wheels.
Here’s an example of link wheel
- Write content on your website
- Create a bunch of quality article and post them on different social media sites
- Link all these articles (published on your website and on social media sites) in form of wheel closing the link loop with your website's content
In this way you link your story and pages back to your own website like the spokes of a wheel hence called a link wheel

Scrappers are abusing this technique and creating wheels of spun and rephrased articles.
There are mixed opinions over the legitimacy of this technique in the eyes of search engines.
Sounds very interesting, may I ask where you have any evidence or examples to show of a link wheel and have you any data to compare a link wheel to other practices of SEO?
Thanks! :)
I have used a Link Wheel on FreeGeneralDirectories.com a while ago when the website was 28 days old and had no content.
The website became a PR 3 with the first update, went down to PR2 with the next update and went down again (PR0) with the last update.

So... you want to try a link wheel? Be my guest.
I have yet to see any definitive evidence that link wheels help with SEO, rather just the other way around. I think feeder sites work if they're relevant, in and of themselves.
link wheel is one such idea where several similar themed websites get together and create a circle of links.
Link wheel is the chain system of links. It makes a routine chain of links with particular article. That is very effective to getting attractive results of product promotion.