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im going to be famous


A few weeks ago i was bored off my head, so i decided to make a website, about Big Brother AU, Regina infact, My states housemate.

So i tell about 20 ppl on and off line. The monday after i recieved a email from a local radio station [TTT]. I got a few free plugs and some airtime on the state wide radio. Last Thurs i recieved another email, this time from The Mercury [news.com.au] asking for a interview regarding my site.

They are going to publish a Article on my site in a newspaper with over 130,000 copies sold daily. :cool:

I'm sorry, it must be because I'm not Australian or something, but.... what's the big deal? :confused: What's so special about that site, or whomever that person is?
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Ahhhhh, tripleT, I remember them fondly :classic2: Loved the brekky crew, Kim and Dave, as they were when I left Tassie.
Originally posted by Jan
Ahhhhh, tripleT, I remember them fondly :classic2: Loved the brekky crew, Kim and Dave, as they were when I left Tassie.

Was that english?
Advertising... Where's the advertising on your site? With all that expected traffic don't you want to make a little cash :)?
While all of this is based on thge spawn of Satan which is reality TV, congrats nonetheless, it's hard to get that kind of publicity these days. But, as Nick says, do as they do in Reality TV, and just make as much money as you can before people grow tired of all of it :p
any suggestions?

update: local paper rang up, there gonna put my mug in the paper :cool:
You don't think the quotes are a little . . . . hmm shall I say Explicit?

"You would be more attractive to girls if you had chocolate sperm."
"Have any of you blokes ever had sex with a blow-up doll?"

Well according to Channel 10/7 Rules, there not. They featured them in a 7oclock show
I see the article was featured on the front page of the Mercury :)


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Wow, i've never seen a .tk so popular. Although I don't have a favorite housemate, I would bet that regina would win.
WE DONT GET DA INSIDER HERE :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

ARGH!! Did u manage to get a screen cap? i need details!! details!!
the insider is a 1/2 hour chat show about BB hosted by Tim Ferguson with 5 or so guest speakers (magazine and radio gossip people)...they were talking about regina and the madness in tasmania about her (the cookies and stuff) and they showed a print-out of your webpage (they didn't mention the address) when they said "there's even fan pages about her on the net with reggie quotes" :D