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ICQ for sale??


Well-Known Member
Is it legal to sell your ICQ number out?
It happened last night, i contacted a man with ICQ UIN 1111XXXX.
I asked him if he could give his ICQ number to me, but he asked me for money. Is ICQ/ AOL allow him to do so?
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No he can't sell it. But you can't ask him to just give you his ICQ account for free either (if you really want to follow the rules?).

From ICQ's end user license agreement
You shall not transfer, assign, delegate, sublicense nor pledge in any manner whatsoever, any of your rights or obligations under this agreement. For example, and without any limitation, you shall not transfer, assign, sell or offer for sale ICQ numbers, nor purchase or receive such ICQ numbers from any third party.
You could do it, like a private contract. Sometimes private contracts go above rules. The problem is that he doesn't really own his icq number and so he has no right to sell it.