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i want to run 2 applications but want to use 1 ip for one of them and another ip for the other one example if i want msn ip to be and skype ip do i need to accounts? on same server
You need 2 IP's allocated to you, once you have then you can configure the apps and depending on what amount of control you have on your account either assign them or have support do it for you.
If you have a shared account it would involve assigning an extra 2 IP's to your account only, and they can be anywhere, but you won't get to pick and choose which ones you get
Chances are they would be from the same block also. You'd just have to ask your host to have two dedicated IP addresses assigned to your account. How you configure them to be used with your applications would be dependent on what platform your host is running.
Again depending on system/cp all you need do is to bind another 2 of the IP's to the network, once they're in you just configure the apps to use them, there will be a propagation delay in seeing them on the net so usually bind them then setup the apps the next day
all i wana try is run lets see example: teamspeak with diffrent ips not ports i wana assing each server its own ip is it possible will like to know how
i wana make it more easy i got root on windows 2003 i made another user account and will like the other user to have another ip from mi ip block can some one help me
Binding is the term used when you assign an IP to a network adapter, so just add 2 more like you did the first, let application1 use only newip1 and application2 use only newip2 then if you want to have different user accounts control these edit the applications permissions to be for that user only
Oh! Leave the administrator account in the permissions for both of them
Yeah, no one knows the configuration of a certain account better than its hosting provider. This question should be asked via the support system, I believe.