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how to stop AIDS cheaply


Lately studies from Prof Roger Short from Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia has discovered that a ml of lemon juice can kill all the HIV within 30 seconds due to its acidic nature.

So, the best way of stopping getting infected when having sex is asking the woman to put a slice of lemon into her vagina. It acts like an IUD.

This method is going to be on trial in Thailand within a few weeks time conducted by Prof Roger Short and funded by the Thai government itself.

i have my doubts. He's probably trying to justify his preference of lemony freshness over old tuna sandwitch.

How are they testing it? If it doesnt work I suppose there may be a slight outbreak in thailand.
well, basically, Prof Short is going to test it on the prostitutes in Thailand. The person who represented the government is one of the wealthiest in that country and he had promised to pour in as much money as required to carry out the trial.

The prostitutes themselves are very supportive of this scheme. Also lemons are extremely cheap. It has been shown to work in laboratory so perhaps it will work in a human trial.

p.s Lemon juice also works as extremely effective contraceptive as well. It kills the sperms in a matter of seconds.

Originally posted by Gayowulf
i have my doubts. He's probably trying to justify his preference of lemony freshness over old tuna sandwitch.

hehehe... don't think so.
The air we breathe kills the AIDS virus on exposure. Following the lemon logic, we could just give the pu-tang a little 'pffffff' like hot soup, and NO MORE AIDS!
My special nickname for him was 'The dark overlaord of sodomy and capitalism'. That was a line I used in the funniest thread ever, the april fools thread.

*takes a bow*
Honestly: No.
Not honestly: Yes.

Ever since that thread died down, I haven't been able to think of one that could possibly turn out any better.
They will never expect us to use the royalty money from the movie that was made about us to buy a lot of plane tickets and go to their houses and beat the shit out of them.

OH no! I let the big plan slip!
More off topic posts than on topic posts.

This thread hijack, as always is brought to you by bigperm, Blank Verse and the letters G and C.
Originally posted by allanh
So, the best way of stopping getting infected when having sex is asking the woman to put a slice of lemon into her vagina. It acts like an IUD.:biggrin2:

Lemon also shines up jewelry. Imagine the possibilities.

I can see the adverts now:::
Need a nose, tongue, or pecker ring shined? Cum on in!