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managed wordpress hosting

how much should i charge?


New Member
i have a site that has alot of traffic. now i want to become my own advertising agency at my site. i have the software 2 do it. adcenter 2000 v3.1 . i have at least 1,000,000 a month . how much should i charge for each cpm? $5cpm? or lower? .
should i go with the cpc option? . 20 cent cpc? or lower . thanks for your suggestion if you can . thanks
1,000,000 hits that is . it's a big site. i think i get more money with cpc than cpm because of the click through. what do u guys think ?
i'd say about $1 CPM and about $.15-$.2 CPC would be it... If you have a big name you could charge some more...

what's your clickthru?
Cheap Bastard's figures look about right. Of course, the quality of your demographics and content are going to have a marked effect upon this rate. (ie, and investment site could forseeably ask for 5x this, while a celeb or NN site would be lucky to receive 1/2 of these rates).

Be sure to set your rate card much higher than the rates at which you're willing to accept advertising, though, as advertisers will attempt to negotiate with you regardless of how attractive your first offer is.