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managed wordpress hosting

Hosting Template



I've made this template, the nav bar, as you can see, the text changes colour on rollover, same with all links, but different depending on where it is.

I was planning on offering it for freeeeeeee, but is it good enough to sell for $5-10? :)

Cheers guys :)
Oh man :p If you don't tell me that it's template for hosting site, i could never know it :p
It is good, even more than good, but hmm... It don't looks like a hosting site :)
Every people imagine, that hosting site will have much white color, some shiny elements and some photos of servers (just like me :p).
Imo there's too much dark colors. But that's only disadvantage :)
And... It's good enough to sell it ;) Even for 20$ or more :)
Thanks for your review Eoz! :) I was trying to differate from the templates already out there, and it seems to have worked :) Cheers Eoz :)

Any other reviews would be appreciated :)
not a bad design, I would keep it a free design however. $5-$10 is not much and it would be better off given to the community

oh and ps: :p :p :p :) :) :p :p :lol: :lol: :lol:
whats with the big stupid arrows on the right? junk them. also, looks nothing like a hosting site, more like a personal blog page or something. the "z" in the header throws it off a lot too. make it a normal letter.
Use a blue theme, green is rarely used right. Add pictures of servers/happy service people etc. and redo the logo so I can actually read it.

3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Add pictures of servers/happy service people

That's just the typical web hosting page, right? :lol:

Keagle, if you were trying to make it different, you made it. The only problem is that it barely looks like a hosting template, try taking some ideas from other websites and you may work into something better ;)

nice work
Good piece of art there matey.. But, it doesn't really fit a hosting template..
Maybe more.. something like a portfolio? :)

Looks good, try to be different and unique. I wouldn't really go with images of servers since everyone has it or people.

I, personally don't like to see the people's faces or people in fact. I have my reasons!