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Hilarious story at work today


Some teenage girl asked me if she could order

"Condom #4"

...? I burst out laughing, her face flushed bright red "Oh my god I mean COMBO #4!!!!"

I can't believe that actually happened. Sounds like a bad joke from a movie or something.

I guess we all know where HER mind was today!

If that happend to me I probably would have asked "would you like extra sauce with that?" and tried to keep a straight face.

thats pretty funny, syd.
Heh Heh, that was like when I was in Grade 10 Biology way back when. The girl next to me was answering a question, and I can't remember exactly what she said, but I do remember instead of saying "organism", she did say "orgasm"...

and I laughed. and she kicked me. It hurt, but I still laughed,