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New Member
Ok. i want 2 start a
free webhosting company like geocities, tripod, fs2, and so on . what do i neeed 2 start the company. let me tell you what i know about it. here's what i have so far.solutionscript : homefree v3.25 . webhost with cgi enable. what else do i need 2 start the company like geocities, tripod , ... ?. how can i become like a domain hosting company? . do i get billed for the bandwidth that my clients uses from the webhosting on my site? . tell me everythign you know please. thank you very much. i'll check back later for your answers. thanks again.
you need to learn a lot...


easy way would be:

if you want to start it on your own. you have to consider that you got to pay for the web-space. so you need to get the money via ads...
you wanna get your own dedicated server...
or sign up for a reseller plan with a paid hosting.

look into the paid hosting service
cheap reseller would be tera-byte.com
good one is vdi

to get your own server and connection to internet... you would have to spend a lot of money, if you think of offering a lot of space and bandwith...

hope i could help you getting started.
Greetings Arno

i check out the prices and it's really expensive. at least 200 a month for the services. anyone else have any more info?
do people profit from this? . company like geocities, f2s, tripod,.. . do you know how much they profiting from their freewebhosting?
They profit cause they OWN everything. They don't co-brand. They have their own servers and their own lines. As far as how much profit? I'm sure they make millions.
But they invested a lot of money before making a profit, though, as do all businesses.