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Help Me Run Free Web Host


New Member
i am looking for some people about 4 ppl to run a web host company for me (free host) they must have a 24/7 connection and thats about it.
we call it Magick-Networks
Offer something that is unique and you will have tons of people signing up.

Competition is everywhere and everything you do. Get around it with creativity.
I tried this project afew days ago. Can you email me - webmaster@jellyman.net. And why do i have to have a 24hr conection? I also made some software
Emmm... What are these 4 ppl going to do? Kind of interested, mail me and let me know the details. :)
Originally posted by ZX
Emmm... What are these 4 ppl going to do? Kind of interested, mail me and let me know the details. :)

Use their high speed connections to run the server while this Alex guy sits at home and gets all advertisement revenue?

.... just a guess
ThinkGeek Or WhateveR?
no i dont want any of the Ad Revnue, they can have it
and all the ppl who are instreted e-mail MatrixTeen88@yahoo.com
What's the point of starting up a company if you have no plans whatsoever to make money off of it? And how do you expect to conduct upgrades on servers and such? Money is power and if you expect to get anywhere with a FWP Service you need that money. A cheap DSL connetion or cable modem is not going to support a FWP very long...
I know a few free host there don't make money with advertisement. They ask for donation from their members. And they do their upgrade of server, or connection with the donation.

And not everyone start up a free host for money. Some might be just trying to get some experience etc...

And Alex, what are the four ppl going to do? And why should they have to have 24/7 connection?
Originally posted by ZX
I know a few free host there don't make money with advertisement. They ask for donation from their members. And they do their upgrade of server, or connection with the donation.

Crosswinds????? ROFLMAO!!!!
If you don't want the revenues, and you aren't gonna touch the servers since they're at another person's house... You aren't really running the company...
we need some servers hopefuly 1 of 4 or more can run A Server,
i also will ask for donations and fully plan to invest $600 in the server..

Well, it's pretty clear this FWP is going absolutely NOWHERE fast. You expect to be able to run a FWP from one of your "partners'" home connections? WOW! That's worthwhile. This has the classic "It will last a month at best!" written all over it.

Wait...you're going to sink a WHOPPING $600 into it??? Hmmmmm, in that case you should be the next Geocities! That's enough to buy....uhhhhh...no...that's enough to buy...uhhhh....no....that's not enough to buy sh!t when it comes to servers. You gonna set it up on an eMachine or something?

Methinks you have some homework to do before you're even remotely ready to set up a FWP!
Ron, Perhaps he plans to buy the server and get a $400 instant rebate on it when he signs up with MSN for 3 years... :D

Then he'll have the much-needed connection for the server as well (although 56K might be a tad sluggish for a server at peak times - dunno, never tried it) :p
Guys, please dont' discourage this lilttle fella. Making fun of someone trying to have some experience is not a good idea.

He's just wanting to get some experience.

Alex. I will help you. Get a CobaltRaq and run it for now.
Sorry, I don't do dedicated servers. I'm an Alabanza Host.

I don't sell servers also.

If you feel that this is benefiting me, great. Let's be that way.