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Happy Halloween!

Oh crap.. now a bunch of kids are going to come to my house asking for sweets..

edit: I know, I'll hide in the bushes with a pellet gun
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Happy Halloween!

Gotta beat the crap out of this annoying children now

*it's a joke by the way
I'm going to open the door, when they say trick or treat I'll yell, "TRICK" Whip out my carton of eggs and start throwing them at them :lol:
I'm dressing up as a chronic masturbator.

Blank Verse, could you be so kind as to send me a photo of yourself?
Happy Halloween ya'll! i'll be watching some scary movies, and perhaps a little xbox live today, let the kid out of you one night a year!
I ended up going to this neighborhood here called Briers North that is extravagantly decorated to look at the decorations w/GF. There were thousands of people in this little neighborhood. It was cool.