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When I saw this post yesterday, I thought "really... you don't know".
I guess more people thought the same thing as clearly no one answered your question.
Google Adwords developed by Google is major way for marketing particular services, products or websites. Using Google Adwords, business can increase as one can receive potential customers looking for similar kinds of services.
Google Adwords is the system Google has developed to assist you in marketing your products or services in the Google Search Engine, and its affiliate sites, via the use of a placed text ad that appears when people search for phrases related to your offering, this appears as a “sponsored link”. The system is a “pay per click” system, this means you can dictate where your ad appears through bidding for a series of phrases,
Google AdWords is Google's main advertising product. All AdWords ads are eligible to be shown on Google AdWords can be used to drive relevant visitors to your site. It’s an excellent marketing tool for small websites, as it can be challenging to incorporate all of your key phrases into your website content.
Google AdWord is paid advertising method of Google, It is basically divided in two parts :-
1) PPC
2) Adsense
1) PPC stand for Pay Per Click, in this method advertiser have to pay Google for Ad Display over the search engine or Search Engine Network sites.
2) Adsense is just apposite, in this case Google pay any site's administrator if Administrator provide space for Google Sponsored Ads.
this is basically roughly understandable overview..
According to me Google Adwords is a tools which allow to advertising your products and services on search engine. that is basically divided in two part like - 1 Google Adsense 2 PPC(pay per click).
When I saw this post yesterday, I thought "really... you don't know".
I guess more people thought the same thing as clearly no one answered your question.
I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't know what AdWords is, but I guess it is kind of expected that people know considering what type of forum this is. I will admit that I had never heard of AdWords or used it until last year, mainly because I just didn't have to use it for anything. Now I use it all the time.