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managed wordpress hosting

Glacier Host :: v4


Cross Industries
I'd like to get some opinions on this. BEFORE you comment on it, I'd like to say that this is not fully completed (in the design stage still).

Design: http://glacierhosting.net/v4/preview2.png

Yes, watermarks again, no ripping. Any "Constructive" comments are appreciated. Constructive meaning, give a comment that can add to the design.
Glad to see you are finally going to get a template!

At this stage I cannot find anything to help improve it. Will just have to get updates when it is closer to finished
Template? Templates are structures where a design is put it. Meaning, someone else helped make it. I made this by myself, in photoshop.
And thanks for the "cannot find anything to help improve it" part.
I've been working on it for about 7 hours total. Got probably.....5 more to go at least.
Template? Templates are structures where a design is put it. Meaning, someone else helped make it. I made this by myself, in photoshop.
And thanks for the "cannot find anything to help improve it" part.
I've been working on it for about 7 hours total. Got probably.....5 more to go at least.

bah sorry didn't mean template meant "design"
The text 'Glacier Host' doesn't show up too well for those of us who have eye troubles. :) I would definitely make this text a solid, brighter color. Contrast it more with the background.

While you have made good use of Photoshop skills, it just doesn't fit the hosting theme. Yes, I know, I'm glad your attempting something other than the techwomen and server pictures, but this doesn't look like a "business" design, more a "personal" design.

To improve, you need only improve the top half. The rest looks fantastic, and professional. And I'm a huge fan of simplicity, as you will see in my designs and KurtisPoole.com (though it doesn't work in IE).
Very nice I like the header it would be cool wit ha server comming out with some green smoke. (I dk why I'm obsessed with green today)
Since I have to accept some of those comments as constructive criticism. What should I do with the banner exactly, add the picture of a server or something?
Since I have to accept some of those comments as constructive criticism. What should I do with the banner exactly, add the picture of a server or something?

NO! I'm fed up of those stinkin' server picture designs. I'm not entirely sure what you should do. It's your design, your the designer, take some inspiration from some other designs you like and merge 'em. Then you should end up with something nice. Unless it doesn't fit with the bottom half of course, then we're back to Square 1! oldman2
NO! I'm fed up of those stinkin' server picture designs. I'm not entirely sure what you should do. It's your design, your the designer, take some inspiration from some other designs you like and merge 'em. Then you should end up with something nice. Unless it doesn't fit with the bottom half of course, then we're back to Square 1! oldman2

Or, in designers words, back to pixel 1 :)
It doesn't really look like a web hosting design. It looks like a gaming template, so its decent but not very professional. I recommend using more cleaner lines, etc.
What about a photo background of a glacier, with a content div that has a white (or off-white) background? This way, you could still go with the glacier visual them, but a touch of professionalism could be added, too (since that seems to be what folks are saying is the biggest problem).
sorry, but I really don't like it. It doesn't look professional, I'd suggest starting over:) I know this seems a bit harsh, but I'm sure you'll benefit:)
Not really. I'm going to keep it. It makes me different and seperates me from the trashy companies out there that just buy any old hosting template. I treat all my customers equally and I'm still professional in my work. But, I choose to be more friendly and nice to my clients.

So, instead of using a professional template like EVERY other company out there. I like to be different. :D
Treating your clients "nice" is a very general statement... It just is not a company template it is made for some "1337 clanz" not a company who would like to direct them selves to both young developers who might know a lot about the gaming community and might like it to older developers who would look at this and be appalled by such a design.

I treat all my customers equally and I'm still professional in my work. But, I choose to be more friendly and nice to my clients.

That right above here is a very general, and also VERY VERY SHALLOW statement. You have no idea what goes on with all companies, I myself would say I treat my clients probably 10x better than you do. Is that a opinion and a general shallow statement? Why yes it is but just giving it right back at you.


Not really. I'm going to keep it. It makes me different and seperates me from the trashy companies out there that just buy any old hosting template. I treat all my customers equally and I'm still professional in my work. But, I choose to be more friendly and nice to my clients.

So, instead of using a professional template like EVERY other company out there. I like to be different. :D