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For decker ( and anyone else with massive resource usages soley because of one user )

no bug, was php.ini config .... carry on ...

To everyone: My recommended values for ini settings are

PHP_INI_ENTRY("loadavg.one", "1.5", PHP_INI_ALL, NULL )
PHP_INI_ENTRY("loadavg.five", "2.0", PHP_INI_ALL, NULL )
PHP_INI_ENTRY("loadavg.ten", "2.5", PHP_INI_ALL, NULL )

dont leave them at under 1 people, you can while you test, but in a production environment these are good ....
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PHP_INI_ENTRY("loadavg.one", "1.5", PHP_INI_ALL, NULL )
PHP_INI_ENTRY("loadavg.five", "2.0", PHP_INI_ALL, NULL )
PHP_INI_ENTRY("loadavg.ten", "2.5", PHP_INI_ALL, NULL )
Do you think this setting would be good for a VPS with 1ghz dedicated CPU over 8 cores? (128mhz/core)
Id kinda like to have it so it was only going to kick in if things where really max'ed
And will this work with all php versions?
Yes, should work with all php versions from 4 upwards ...

Actually, I'm not sure how to answer, I'm not sure if the load average reported will be for your dedicated resources or machine resources, at a guess it's your dedicated resources, in which case the settings I posted should be good ( possibly a little lower ) .... you should probably monitor your load average for a few days, see what occurs normally and under pressure and would probably be beneficial to everyone if you posted your findings here ...

You can always change the settings in load.c again to something that suits better, to do so ...
cd /path/where/you/kep/sources
make clean
make install
httpd restart

you MUST make clean if you change settings ....
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I'm on debian.. tried it out with settings as 0.0 for everything, made & installed, restarted apache2 and it doesn't work :(

any ideas?
and it shows up in print_r( get_loaded_extensions( ) ); does it ?? make install does NOT edit php.ini it just installs the shared library in the correct place ....
Didn't do that, but I've done it now (and yes it's listing in get_loaded_extensions()) and it still doesn't work :(.
Oh.. my bad. It didn't work before because my load was exactly 0.. if it's over it redirects.

Good ... remember make clean after you change the settings and make and make install again ...
Ok, Thanks.. Im going to try it out when I upgrade to php5 later today :D looks pretty handy for what Im about to get in to anyway.
This is all good stuff, and really glad I joined this forum.

Just a couple of things:
- would it be feasable to make this into an WHM addon, and then we could change values from the WHM backend?

- Is it at all feasable to check and only redirect based on server load by account, so only those causing the issue would be affected? Maybe possible if using PHP as CGI instead of Apache module?

Best wishes,

- Vince