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managed wordpress hosting

Finally the requests for free hosts with php/mysql will be reduced...


New Member
This is on topic, I just wanted a catchy title. :D

Anyway, have you all seen Invision's new license?

Invision Power Services, Inc.
Invision Power Board Software
End User License Agreement

Unlimited Free Trial: $0.00 (no cost)
You may use Invision Power Board for an unlimited free trial period at no cost. This free trial has limited free support by posting on our company forums and you must pay full price for plug-in feature enhancements and services. Free technical support service is limited and we cannot guarantee free technical support will always be available or that you will receive timely responses to free support questions.

Registration: $59.95/year
The registered version of Invision Power Board features private technical support service through our online ticket system and via telephone in the United States and the United Kingdom, optional installation service, upgrade services, discounts on plug-in feature enhancements, and other support services.

Invision Power Services (IPS) grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software if you follow all restrictions in all sections of this Agreement.

You may:
use the Software on one or more computers

copy the Software for archival purposes, provided any copy must contain all of the original Software's proprietary notices

customise the software's design and operation to suit the internal needs of your web site

produce and distribute modification instructions, Skin packs, or Language packs provided that they contain notification that the Skin and Language packs were exported from and originally created by Invision Power Board and/or IPS. The modifications instructions you personally create are not owned by IPS so long as they contain no proprietary coding from Invision Power Board.

create applications which interface with the operation of the Software provided said application is an original work

You may not:

permit other individuals to use the Software except under the terms listed above

reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the Software for distribution or usage outside your web site excluding those applications described above

use the Software in such as way as to condone or encourage terrorism, promote or provide pirated software, or any other form of illegal or damaging activity

modify and/or remove any copyright notices or labels on the Software on each page (unless full license is purchase) and in the header of each script source file

distribute the software without written consent from IPS

distribute or modify proprietary graphics, HTML, or CSS packaged with the Software for use in Software applications other than Invision Power Board or web sites without written permission from IPS

The Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not IPS assume the entire cost of any service and repair. In addition, the security mechanisms implemented by IPS software have inherent limitations, and you must determine that the Software sufficiently meets your requirements. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.

Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in the Software shall remain with IPS. The Software is protected by copyright laws and treaties. Title and related rights in the content accessed through the Software is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable law. This License gives you no rights to such content.

This Agreement will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described herein. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software within 48 hours.

IPS reserves the right to publish a selected list of users of the Software. IPS reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement at any time however those changes are not retroactive to past releases. Changes to the Agreement will be announced via email using the IPS email notification list. Failure to receive notification of a change does not make those changes invalid. A current copy of this Agreement will be available on the Invision Power Board web site.

Skin packs and Language packs are defined as the group of code, text, and graphics that are exported from the Software using the Administration Control Panel or otherwise obtained from the Software.

Technical support will not be provided for third-party modifications to the Software including modifications to code, Skin packs, and Language packs to any license holder. If the Software is modified using a third-party modification instruction or otherwise, technical support may be refused to any license holder.

Authorization to remove copyright notices can be obtained from IPS for a one time fee of $199. This fee authorises you to remove the output of copyright notices, it does not give you authorisation to remove any copyright notices in the script source header files nor any other rights.

Invision Power Services, Inc., P.O. Box 24, Evergreen, VA 23939. For questions, write to the above address, email info@invisionpower.com, or call 434-352-9311.

I get this feeling that they IPB will no longer be free a few versions after 1.2. I just (reluctantly) switched to phpBB even if it has less features because of this. What are your thoughts on this?
what exactly gives you that idea? matt will always distribute invision board for free.
How do you make the connection that IPB will start charging a fee after 1.2?

That's the same license Matt/IPB has had for quite a while now. Matt has always said that a free version of Invision will always be available.
I doubt that IPB will not have a free version, but even if they do, there will still be lots of requests because people will just switch kinds of forums (like you did), and still need php and MySQL databases
Uh? So? I see no change, they just added more legal mumbo jumbo to make people pay, esentially it's the same licence, them calling it an unlimited free trial makes no difference..
It seems wording the license that way will get more sites to pay for a license. If someone is trying to run a decent site, they won't want their forum, the core of many sites, to be running software that is an "unlimited free trial".
The reason why I get this feeling is that I *think* that IPB is slowly getting more paying customers and eventually taking the free product away.

Of course, I also felt this way with other software out there so I could be wrong but you never know... :D
If they are getting more paying customers, then surley there's less reasons for them to remove the free option?

A service like this only needs to think about charging everybody if they are making less money, not more
Well, if they see that they can make a greater profit by charging users for the product, then they will do so, and I have a feeling they will. Not anytime soon, but eventually they will. Don't give me any of the "Matt said it would be free forever" crap. Many of the free hosts said the exact same thing when they first started, and they ended up accepting only pay users (*cough* Crosswinds *cough*).