Originally posted by striker
(If I could have more than 50 files I would prolly stay with them even without ftp,since they seen fast,and once you upload all your files,when you go back and update pages it will prolly only be 1-2 files to upload.) I have one site their at the momment for a backup host,and it barely fit into their with only 50 files limit...They should put that on the sign up page like:Warning,you will not be able to upload more than 50 files....)
ANother thing is that you can not use redirectors with the php/mysql, so the ONLY way to get into my site was to manually copy it into the address bar and press go. It wouldnt link off other site and redirectors (kickme.to/whatever) do not work.
(You mean you typed in your shorter redirector kickme.to/whatever and it wouldn't even go to your site? Or do you mean when making a link to kickme.to/whatever when you clicked on it it wouldnt do nothing? Humm... never used them.
It started out great, good webspace and transfer, nice FTP and no ADS!!! However, they have suspended signups and the service has began degrading ever since.
(YEP,thats what the last 5 host I have tried has been like.)