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Comments and Suggestions needed, thanks :)

Da Game

New Member
CoMmEnTs / SUggEsT|onS NeeDeD : ThANKS!

Hi folks, i had re-created my homepage and i need you people to visit my homepage and send me your suggestions or feedback.My homepage is http://www.veninsight.tk .Please sign my guestbook before you depart!Thanks for your understandings !:)
I really like the flash intro. the whole site looks clean and the interface looks nice the only problem is on a 56k it it tooo slow when I click on the links it takes a whole year to display the page.
Oh yea I forgot to mention the whole status bar thing gets anoying so you might want to make it do the whole text on 1 scroll and then stop it.:D
Well, I don't have Flash installed so I can't get into the site - needs a normal link to the main page.

mmmm..Okie i shall create a plain homepage in this case as a substitute but is there anything more i need to improve on ?Thanks!:)
404 on the download page...looks like .TK is framed, and your host is trying to pop something up that's 404'ing. Didn't bother to look at the other pages.
Nick, all the rest of the site is in Flash...:classic2:
I have finally fixed all the glitches in my site.The download section is alive and kicking.It now for you folks to throw your suggestions and comments to me !thanks!
i waited and waited for it to load...but then gave up...how big is the front page???
mmmm....I am using a cable so it took a few seconds before i enter the site.The size of the intro is around 1mb.It should load fast.I am greatly disappointed you cant enter man!:(