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Clixgalore.com and Whatsfind.com

I use clixgalore - its great they have many different programs, not sure they pay but I will soon. They have merchants for EVERY Type of site.

Highly recommended!!!:biggrin2: :D ;) :cool: :classic2:
Originally posted by Jan
Read what Czar has written about clixgalore here

I haven't heard of whatsfind at all.

If i make 100, they will take 25 from my account?


and what if the don't know i close the account. I simply stop displaying their banners? They will come down here to brasil and make me pay them 10 bucks? nahhhh, don't think so.
I didn't check the site, but common sense would tell me that the money is deducted from your check before they send it to you. If that's not how they do it, then I agree with you Felipe.
whatsfind.com - maybe im wrong , but they are the all time scammers in my list. They launched their site. To spread the word around, they accepted any website to put their search box in your site. 20 days later, after making some good little cash, they stop counting the searches from my account ...

why are there these type of people out there? damn... :bandit2:

May I help you?

Hi Felipe,

I am the General Manager at clixGalore. May I help you with your enquiry?



Chris Brooks
General Manager
Tel: USA: (206) 350 4469 / Australia + 61 2 8080 8304
www.clixGalore.com .......Solutions that boost revenue, sales, leads and hits to your web site.
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Hi Chris, welcome to the forums :classic2:

(Another boost to the Aussie ranks OI!) ;)

<edit>you might need to edit your post to put a space between : and ( in your US phone number :)
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Welceme Chris,

Welcome to the forums, please observe our posting rules and regulations and I hope you enjoy your stay here! :)

I look forward to seeing you around,
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At first I was weary about them... but they are a VERY REPUTABLE company I have received my first check from them yesterday.

great company, could use a few more options like a random banner rotator (for people who cant make one) and also make it not show advertisers who run out of money.

Hi Streetwarz,

We do have a 'Merchant Low Balance' feature. Please use the 'Merchant Program Low Balance Watch ' menu item located in your member home area. This will automatically email you when one of your Merchants balances reaches a low level.

We are pleased you are happy with clixGalore. We aim high and know what good customer service feels like.



Chris Brooks
General Manager
Tel: USA: (206) 350 4469 / Australia + 61 2 8080 8304
www.clixGalore.com .......Solutions that boost revenue, sales, leads and hits to your web site.
yes I love that feature.. only problem is.. when I made my random banner code I have all the links and its all 4444&333&322
and when you say the merchant left you dont tell the link name.. thats associated with the merchant.. if it would show the link then it would be much easier to remove it from rotator..

I know it might be jsut for me, but who knows maybe many other publishers also have this type and would like this option :)
OK, I will forward this functionality request to our engineers. I am sure they can add it.



Chris Brooks
General Manager
Tel: USA: (206) 350 4469 / Australia + 61 2 8080 8304
www.clixGalore.com .......Solutions that boost revenue, sales, leads and hits to your web site.