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managed wordpress hosting

Anybody Interested in helping out in the running of a new Free Hosting Provider?


UFO Hunter
Hello All!

I`m hoping to launch a free hosting provider in the next month or two, I`m hoping to recruit a few volunteers to help with the day to day management of the hosting provider.

Skill Set`s Required

With a little luck I`m hoping to recruit the following volunteers.

1 Server Tech (Look after the server, installation of modules and server security)
2 forum Mods / Support Geeks (Help with the day to day management of the hosting provider and hostee`s support questions)
A graphic designer (kickass in photoshop)
Lots of forum posters (Any constructive posts on the forums to kick start the provider would be greatly appreciated)

For your assistance and time I can help you in the following ways, I could help you with the SEO of your website I can also provide you with good relevant backlinks to your website. Free hosting and possible domain.

About the Hosting Provider

The provider will have it`s niche! It`s will be a provider of Free FFMPEG Hosting with the usual bells and whistles, cpanel, Softaculous etc.

There`s a domain name in place. I`ve recently registered a good relevant domain name, ffmpeg.co and started on the promotion. Already got Google page 1 for "free ffmpeg web hosting" and almost on page 1 for "ffmpeg web hosting", I will be also gunning for "free cpanel hosting"

Still not full decided on the hosting model, whether it be p2h, ad supported, instant etc, I suppose we can discuss that. The design of the website I have started to work on (PM me for link) The website will be big, lots of content, tutorials, knowledgebase etc which will help to increase traffic. Revenue streams are still to be decided, but certainly not adsense.

I`m not going into this blind neither I`ve worked with hosting providers before, I ran Stonerocket for 7 years so I have lots and lots of experience in the free web hosting industry.

Anyone interested in volunteering a few hours of their time per week? please get in touch.
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I am interested :D

You kind of know me as we are both here for years. I have worked for 3 different paid companies and 2 post2hosts from 1997-2008. And have owned 2 paid hosts (became 1) and one post2host (sold) from 2008-2012.
Last summer I quit with all hosting, I only have 2 free shared accounts right now. One with WSWD.net and one with DeHost.org.

I only have 2 websites left, one in beta and the other unfinished in Dutch.

I would like to become forum staff and I would like to post stuff. In exchange I prefer your SEO expertise for my Dutch proxy related site.
Hi Sanders, I would be more than happy for you to help out, It`s people like yourself with experience that I`m looking for.

I will send you a PM very shortly with some information.

Thanks buddy :)
Hi Sanders, I would be more than happy for you to help out, It`s people like yourself with experience that I`m looking for.

I will send you a PM very shortly with some information.

Thanks buddy :)

Thats fine mate.
I could probably volunteer a few hours a week to help you out if you need it, especially while you are getting started. It's been a while since I've used cPanel (i've been down in shell mostly), but I've got good linux experience and I ran a post2host several years ago, and helped a friend at another one. I can help you out with server work, and provide advice from my experience.
How is your forum software going mate?
When you need a Dutch version, please let me know. I wrote the Dutch versions of Qlweb directory script and SubDreamer CMS.
@theraptor Cheers pal, I will be in touch very shortly.

I`m bogged down building a website this week for a freelance client. I`ll shall be pushing an update message to you two guys and those that have PM`ed me in the next day or two.