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managed wordpress hosting

any suggestions


New Member
i need a free host that allows this:

5++ mb storage
10++ gb transfer
ftp access
unix server

if you can help me out that would be great!
Not many free web hosts offer 10+ gb traffic. That amount of traffic costs $$, and a free host doesn't have the kind of revenue to support that. You can try searching for one that will give you 10 gb of traffic, but they prob. won't be around very long...

For a site that needs 10 gb of transfer, you should be able to make some kind of revenue from banner ads to pay for a cheap host...

What kind of site do you have that only has 5mb of spave but 10 gb of traffic?
I don't know if it's a 1000 page limit on the cgi-bin... I think it is a 10 meg limit.
Everyone here says its 1000 file limit, but that doesn't make much sense to me...
Originally posted by cowax
Everyone here says its 1000 file limit, but that doesn't make much sense to me...
They say it because there is one. They don't want too many files on their server. For example, would you rather have a thousand 1kb files on your computer or just one two meg file?