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managed wordpress hosting

Any experience with oneopt.com?

This looks very interesting and promising, I must say.

I might give them a try out; but unfortunately I can't give you any info or dirt on them, as this is the first time I have heard of them.

Interested to know of anyone using them though...
Searches at other forums come up blank, so *join at your own risk*

But do let us know your experiences please :)
I have dealt (talked to them andhave sites hotsted at their servers) with add2net who runs the service and always been treated very profesional.
I havn't tried the oneopt program, but I would trust them.
Hey Jan,

What other forums are there out there that talk about online advertising? Is this one here on Freewebspace the largest? I'm always looking to expand my knowledge in the industry and would appreciate if you could tell us where we could go other than here to read about great ad networks and affiliate programs. I already know about GeekVillage

