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1st comment - very nice
2nd comment - very very nice
3rd comment - very very very... i'd change one thing delete left and right side of site (i mean change blue to white) OR make the main table's background same as the left and right side ones (whole white rectangle behind main content - if you still don't know what i mean, i'll make a screenshot of it )
Anyway VGJ Your site looks really very good
Dam you! You tricked me. I thought the navigation was real but it was an image. I was like 'hmm.... let me see if the link has hover effects.... wft?!.. Noo'. Lol anyway really nice. I like the layout and the colors specially. GJ
Eoz: Thanks for the comments. I thought the side background are looking a bit dark. I will probably to getting my designer to bring the tone down a shade or two.
abush: The links at the bottom have hover effects and are active but since I have yet to finalize the content, I have not made other pages yet. I am playing with the idea of using PHP includes to facilitate easier updating & maintanence. Thanks for the comments though.