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managed wordpress hosting

ad-free blog

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I use Freelog. It's a very basic one, which is fully customizable to your site. It's quite good, and you just put a sliver of script on your page.
most of the existing blog services have ads, and if not they are slow, and/or featureless. you'd be best off getting a free host with no ads and cgi and using greymatter.
Originally posted by CommunityOne
If you want a blog, just have a HTML page and update it when you need via frontpage. :D
Isn't the point of blog that you don't need to ftp or upload?
You just login to your site and can update it from anywhere. A friend is using it to update us on her trip around the world.
I still think freelog is better. Blogger has ads if you get it hosted on BlogSpot, and you need an FTP host to ftp it to your server.
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