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managed wordpress hosting

a good asp host?


New Member
i did a search and found some. but i also did a php and mysql search to host my invision board. i have changed boards about 3 times in a week now because of hosts. i finally gave u and told ma m8 to get sum paid hosting which he did but he didnt get 1 that supports asp..so are there any good hosts tt will be round for a while? i kno thats kinda hard to saywith free host but look at tripod..u can install a flat file forum or portal there and it will be rond 4 a while its only there mysql which is a problem. anyway bac on topic is there a good asp host? dotntplayground isnt taking any more signups or stopped them for a while.

my community will be fairly small, i wil want to install a asp portal on there so want ftp access. good uptime and good bandwith. anything extra is just luxury i dont need much else.

Originally posted by keyser87
ah thanx for the site but i still want an asp host ifanyone knows a good one

there is but signups are closed there

additionaly i can also provide you account with asp
how much space and bandwith u need.
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bit if a n00b but im guessing as its a small community i dont think it will grow 2 much not alot. how much will u be available to offer

Originally posted by keyser87
bit if a n00b but im guessing as its a small community i dont think it will grow 2 much not alot. how much will u be available to offer

well i can give you
25-30mb space
500mb-1gb bandwith
Send mail
Unlimited SQL dbs

anythin else i forgot :confused:
bah foun a good looking portal perfect 4 ma site. but it requires a ssl server not mysql..or along those lines. looked in readme and those were the requirements!
are there any free hosts that support this? i would think not but worth the shot