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managed wordpress hosting

Search results

  1. G

    Hosting for Design work

    Hi there we are looking to give a hosting account of 500 MB and 300 GB of transfer to anyone that would be willing to do some design wor, what we are looking for is Hosting templates, MUST BE ORIGINAL, and the rights to them, In exchange we will provide you with free-hosting for 2 years, the...
  2. G

    Free Hosting with Univerlwebhosting..

    Hi, Freewebspace.net users, We at universalwebhosting would like to offer you a free hosting account, there are no post requirements, the only requirememnt is you are a member of our forums, and hopefully there are enough catagories to keep ya active:). Your account will include, 250 MB of...
  3. G

    Universal Webhosting Is here...

    Universal webhosting has officially opened it's doors, for all your webhosting needs, we have accounts for all budgets, and we feel you get more bang for your buck no matter what package you choose. We also have a community and some reseller packages, we are still implementing a payment system...
  4. G

    Here's what I have for someone...

    I am starting a webhosting company, however my web design skills are not that ummmmm good :tongue2: . So what I am offering is this in exchange for some webdesign work for my site.. 1 GIG of space (will give more if ya really need it ) :biggrin2: Unlimited Bandwith Pop3 Email Unlimited...
  5. G

    Anyone know?????

    Im looking for a paid host that has fantastico, and also allows payment through online checks, no credit cards here so that's the option I need, If anyone knows of one please let me know..