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managed wordpress hosting

Search results

  1. N

    Looking for hosting for invision board

    Hi, We hosted an adult chinese forum a month ago under sponsorship. It ran a forum which at any given point in time had 2-300 users online. Without any pictures in the forum, being just a link site it consumed about 6GB a day. The interest for us was to see what a Dual Xeon server would...
  2. N

    forum needed

    Do you have a URL and stats to look at?
  3. N

    100 MB and 30GB or more of bandwidth

    - CPanel - 200MB Space - 30GB Bandwidth $19.99 per month
  4. N

    I'm looking for....

    - CPanel - 200MB space - 3GB Bandwidth a month - 5 pop3 accounts - PHP, CGI, Perl - 7 MySQL databases - SSI support $5 per month
  5. N

    Need: a lot of bandwidth, multiple domains, less than $25/month

    Daemon, All of this and you give 5GB of Space for $12 per month. Come now, You have all this hardware, yet your name servers are NS1.empireservers.com. Your website reads, unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth. There is no logic to it. Why not just tell us you are a reseller.:o
  6. N

    Local server or US server

    It is Singapore's telecoms operator. They provide one of the backbones for South East Asia.
  7. N

    Local server or US server

    Well you are in Hong Kong so you might pick someone who is on Singtel's backbone. Might be cheaper depending if it is bandwidth intensive.
  8. N

    need a host like this !

    Chao ong What is you site about?
  9. N

    Need a host, give offers or referrals

    - 1GB disk space - 20GB bandwidth - unlim mysql databases - unlim ftp accounts - PHP & CGI - CPanel - 3 Domains - sub-domains - mail support * MegaRaid SCSI Subsystem * We own our servers * UUNET/Sprint Bandwidth $20 per month
  10. N

    300MB, mySQL, SSI, ASP, CGI - all for free.

    It was not intended as a flame, I am just interested in the business models of free hosts.
  11. N

    300MB, mySQL, SSI, ASP, CGI - all for free.

    Dragron776, Quick question or two: 1. You are offering unlimited/unmetered bandwidth but you only have a 100GB account :confused: 2. What is the business model. 100GB costs you money but without ad space you not making an income from it at all. I am just curious as I have looked at...
  12. N

    Need Pay Host...

    - CPanel - 500 MB of Space - 10 GB of bw - 20 Sub Domains - MySql, PHP & CGI - InvisionBoard if needed. $10 per month
  13. N

    true newbie , need some advance please

    Hi, We can offer you, InvisionBoard or PHPBB2 CPanel 2 X Subdomains PHP 2 MySql databases CGI 2 X FTP Accounts 200mb of space 10gb Bandwidth $85 per year / $8 per month.
  14. N

    Looking for a host that...

    Hi Lyrik, Email me what you need, I could host you for free. just put a powered by logo in the corner of your page with a linkback. http://www.timeset.com/netnet.gif
  15. N

    no ads/any server-side language/reasonable bandwith/no space requirement

    Hi vip3r, Email me and I will host you for free. Just put a powered by logo in the corner of your site with a link back. http://www.timeset.com/netnet.gif
  16. N

    Searching For Hosting

    <<read the rules please - see Robert's post>>
  17. N

    Need Advice

    Hi, --importantly I do'nt want to loose all of my database (re: forum). Simply backup the forums database from your current host to your hard drive (Admin Panel) Restore it on your new board from your hard drive. (Admin panel - below backup)
  18. N

    Host question

    Hi, 500MB 15GB Bandwidth Ensim MySql PHP, Perl & CGI Webmail $10 per month. Let me know.
  19. N

    Anybody know waht happen to ME HOst

    Re: Yes, I did You are going from bad to even worst. Try to pick a normal host.
  20. N


    Not trying to be funny. But check this out: (Shows the default Ensim Panel. Slack security and admin) http://hostabuck.com/ (Correct web site) http://www.hostabuck.com/ (Even more funny, they don't even own an SSL certificate, using the certificate that the server generates)...