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Recent content by creativeminds

  1. C

    Teamspeak Server

    Does anyone know where I can get a host to host my Teamspeak server for FREE?
  2. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    My god! I said it wasn't even done!!! :mad:
  3. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    Thank you :D Now, all I need is a host to hotlink 27 MB of pictures... :P I don't want to take up all of MY space that I need for the people I host. My site right now, just the forum and website in development takes up about.... 2-5 MB of space. All of my stuff is stored in the MySQL...
  4. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    Ok, if you want to see a 'preview' of it's 'not even close to bieng done'... hehe, here it is :: http://cmlms.3kd.net/index.php?page=3 Don't do any reviews, I haven't even gotten started on it yet! I am currently just testing out what would work on there and what wouldn't....
  5. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    Yea, I was thinking the same thing... I don't really like that popup thing either, and I got bored one day, and just wanted to put that scroller on. The font is bad, yes, but I wasn't gonna go through 30+ pages and edit the HTML of EVERY page. My new site will be in a portal, along with my...
  6. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    I do know HTML. And it is in PHP mostly... And I know a little bit of it (I know how to edit it)
  7. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    Whatever.... But you guys will be blown away at my new site... It won't be up for about 3 months (moving to a new host soon)
  8. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    If you knew about Lego, the navbar DOES go with it. The original color for Lego is red. So I made my scrollbar red. The navbar is bugged out... Not sure why, but I am redesigining my site, and it will look better :D
  9. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    It was tested. Trust me. And plus, I have forums for my website, and people can go and report bugs there. I think it's just your computer.
  10. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    Last reply post is staying... I use it all the time. Yea, the shoutbox should be smaller... I admit that. The hit counter... It's wacky, some days, its HUGE, and other days, it is small.. Something happened today, and the hit counter got moved up, I should move it down again. I LOVE the...
  11. C

    My site, need some opinions!

    This is my current site :: www.creativemindslms.tk Here are my forums (soon to also be with my website, in a portal) http://cmlms.3kd.net Tell me what you think! I am getting a new host soon... Argh, I need a reseller account.. It's hard to find a good one!
  12. C

    3 Professional Free Hosting Accounts

    I WAS hosted at lycos... I moved to breezeland temporarily.
  13. C

    3 Professional Free Hosting Accounts

    really?!?!?! Thank you! Are you going to send me all the info by email?
  14. C

    3 Professional Free Hosting Accounts

    Here is a hit count the last time I checked it: http://counter5.bravenet.com/index.php?id=364866&type=weekday&password=06e1b940d01e
  15. C

    3 Professional Free Hosting Accounts

    Thank you for at least considering my site! A little more traffic? Bah! That was the best I could get, I have advertised SO much too! Added my link to about 50 other sites.... I know.... The URL is toooo long, and I hate posting it in places.