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Recent content by Azazel00

  1. A

    How much bandwidth does a forum like this..

    Hi again... If the Admin doesnt think its improper to ask, about how how much Space and bandwidth would a forum of this magnitude consume? just curious for im thinking about creating one (not this big ).. ;)
  2. A

    A Good host supporting....

    Well, to be honest the reason why i asked for PHP, CGI, MySQL and ASP is because apart from hosting the site im creating, im looking forward to learning those... but, to be honest ASP is one of the last in my list... so, no, its not a must... beside, for learning ASP i can run a webserver here...
  3. A

    A Good host supporting....

    Hi there ppl.. nice forum you got here.. Anyways, Im looking for a host that would support -PHP -MySQL -CGI -ASP I would rather have about 100 MB of storage, and Bandwidth is really up to the host.. and the price: well im not looking for a 1$ host, but its not like i have 30$/m...