Hi! I’m a newbie here so I hope I won’t break any rules. Here is the logo of the website https://resumewritinglab.com/
This is a new one because recently we changed it and now we need feedback. This company offers writing services connected with resume, CV, so it was rather challenging to make a good logo. And please write what you think about the design of the website? Navigation, look and feel?
This is not an attempt to promote the website. We want to make the site look and perform better, which is why I'm looking for the third party feedback. Thanks in advance for your time on giving feedback.

This is a new one because recently we changed it and now we need feedback. This company offers writing services connected with resume, CV, so it was rather challenging to make a good logo. And please write what you think about the design of the website? Navigation, look and feel?
This is not an attempt to promote the website. We want to make the site look and perform better, which is why I'm looking for the third party feedback. Thanks in advance for your time on giving feedback.