Hey. I'm tring to look for a Good web server to place my OOTP4 Online League on. Here is what I am looking for
100 megz of web space
2+ gigz bandwidth
Option to Upload using FTP
E-mail access, either pop, or Forward...
No ads, whatsoever, that includes no pop-ups, banners, or exit banners
Be able to upload a 4 megz zip file (for the league)
I dunno what else to look for, because im not too experienced at web access. Any help, or if you have web space, feel free to e-mail me at usblootp@aol.com, PM me, or simply reply to this post. Thanks!
100 megz of web space
2+ gigz bandwidth
Option to Upload using FTP
E-mail access, either pop, or Forward...
No ads, whatsoever, that includes no pop-ups, banners, or exit banners
Be able to upload a 4 megz zip file (for the league)
I dunno what else to look for, because im not too experienced at web access. Any help, or if you have web space, feel free to e-mail me at usblootp@aol.com, PM me, or simply reply to this post. Thanks!
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