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I just came back to look for a free redirectional services. And log in to forum
i find my last visited date was 2002 December...........
Feeling and memory rushes in and remember when the internet everything was free.... Free hosting was like a dream.......
Anyway. Just wanted to pop in...
I am having some problems with my website. In terms of features it is very good. But their Banner and footer MAY.... ( i am saying may because so far i don't know what cause the problem... )
casue some problems...........
If any body knows what happen please tell me...
My website...
Thx. I know safe mode is important as i have myself try to run a host as well. I am currently looking at different news script and see how they work out.
i have heard mix review for
somesaid you can not set up invisison board in them. But some has sucessful done so..... some said they are slow while other said it is acceptable speed.....
some said is crap and i should look for lycos in other country.....
i have exactly the same problem... using ws ftp le... but now i seitched to my favorite ftp program Smart ftp....... working ok now... ^_^
And safe ode doe snot allow me to run some scripts such as pivot.... the news scripts...
I see now i need a higher requiremnt for a host....
Instead of a simple requirment for a php host only....
Now i need a host thta allow php, chmod, and NO safe mode....
Any one knows of any??
( Still hasn't had portland confirmation letter yet.. )
I just found a new host...
which seems to suit my need....
But on the terms and condition... it saids...
does not allow
# photo albums or TGPs;
What is TGPs??
And i can't upload photos??
I wasn't 18 at the time... and i mean it doesn't support solo... : correction:
And currently myacen and solidiinternet uses
It does not support solo, i don't know about switch...
actually i had a lot of problems with banks in UK... ( almost all the problem you can think...
It is simple...... i just can't believe such host don't exist......
I mean when people are talking about ASP, the first place to go is brinkster.... i think they are very reliable and good host.
The only thing i don't like about it is ASP..........
So, if there is a reliable ASP host...
HI Carl??
How are you?? long time no see!!!! since when did you leave the jon in myacen?? just wondering.....
Anyway, deluxnetwork finally works again but none of my php scripts work since it is operating in safe mode......
And the jounary lies ahead.....searching again...
After trying on Deluxhosting.....
It siad y FTP account is being used by somebody else....
Let's try!!!! Activiation email will be sent to you in 60s.....
120min already and still waiting....
40gigs..... oh well that will proberly take years b4 they accept me.
Due to certain activity?? OH MY GOD!!!! he has done something illigal!!!!
By the way..... deluxhost just went down....again.....
And when i try again...
it shown
one user per an account only...... somebody trying to hack into my account??
just found out deluxnetwork in using safe mode in php as well........
Oh.... and still no replay from portland.... do they still accept new account?
Any other php host avalible ??