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Search results

  1. D

    Script Request/Need help Finding Script...

    Hello, I need a script that works kinda like download.com's or fileplanet's. Some kind of download manager, where it looks good, easily customizable, and preferably php. Need it to have catagories, and the links inside the catagories. I really would need it easily customizable, all I need...
  2. D

    Computers IRC

    Hello, i theres a new chatroom for computers and scripting in irc.alphanine.net or its #computers. Yes alphanine is having trouble but come in anyways ;)
  3. D

    Does anyone have msn messenger?

    If you have msn messenger please add me to your list at dvond@dvondrake.com For higher preformance (and to see my nick correctly) you'll need MsgPlus! You can download it off my site below: http://www.dvondrake.com/MsgPlus.exe
  4. D

    My Forum...

    Hey, http://www.dvondrake.com/ It's not much, but it's new. Theres a few members. I put all those posts in to it so new ppl can talk about something. So whadda ya think?
  5. D

    Computers IRC

    there is a new irc chatroom for computers. (all about computers) the network is irc.alphanine.net its called #computers See you there!
  6. D

    When are the Western countries going to pay?

    Re: Re: Re: When are the Western countries going to pay? Not true, the USA has been running a balance of payments deficit since the 1950's and its getting worse (imports exceed exports). The biggest trade deficits are with China, Western Europe and Japan. It also has trade deficits with most...
  7. D

    When are the Western countries going to pay?

    On behalf of the United States of America and all other "Western Countries", I offer my deepest apologies for any harm that our ancestors may or may not have done to your ancestors. Happy now? What country are you from? You claim to be from anti-democratic, anti-human rights, environmentally...
  8. D

    I'm going to texas

    Texas is reported to be kinda big. What part of Texas? If you're on the border be sure to experience the Mexican side and the 2 hour lineups to get back into the USA. :D Oh yea, where are you from? is it far from Texas?
  9. D

    Need free site search - to search within my site

    I'm looking for a free search engine that I can put on my site that will only search within my site.
  10. D

    questions about Netfirms

    I use WsFTP-LE to conect to my netfirms account: hostname: mysitename.netfirms.com hosttype: Unix standard userid: mysitename free WsFTP-LE download at www.ftpplanet.com
  11. D

    Terrorist Guilty Plead REJECTED?!

    He is defending himself and refuses to have a lawyer. He doesn't understand how the system works and has been making non-sensical motions, demands and arguments. At one point he pled "No contest", thinking that it would give him a chance to plead his case, but not realizing that this meant...
  12. D

    ::.. What did u think bout web1000.com ..::

    Wow, these guys are really high-tech. Have you seen "Minority Report" with Tom Cruise? They knew you were going to do it before you did it. :D
  13. D

    tripod.co.uk support cgi?

    ?? You are using OpenBB which uses PHP/MySQL.
  14. D

    Is doteasy good???

    Ok, I checked out a couple of sites hosted at doteasy and the Admin contact is you not doteasy. Domains are registered thru Tucows (OpenSRS).
  15. D

    Is doteasy good???

    ...at $25/1 year or $90/5 years ($18/year). Perl/Cgi is an extra $45/6 months and PHP/mySQL is only $60/3 months. :D Make sure that you are the Admin contact for the domain name. I don't like the idea of having domain name registered by the host. If they don't make you the Admin contact they...
  16. D

    Ad-free...that's it.

    http://www.tinyurl.com is even shorter and 'cleaner' than shorturl.com example: www.tinyurl.com\ov5
  17. D

    need Free domain of Dot something

    this works too... http://www.NeedFreeDomainOfDotSomething.tk :D
  18. D

    I need a short domainname

    You are looking for a 3 letter redirect or you want to buy a 3 letter domain name?
  19. D

    free web-based e-mail, non-yahoo/hotmail

    http://www.myrealbox.com free, fast, super fast, no ads, 10mb storage (hotmail is 2mb), pop3 & web-based, less spam than hotmail! It's free because it is a "showcase" site for Novell's mail systems and as such is occasionally down for 1-2 hours for upgrades. Highly recommended! Rated 5...
  20. D

    Cyberwings CLOSED!!!!

    CYBERWINGS IS IN DEFAULT Cyberwings is in default... http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=61019 "Contrary to Cyberwing Communications' assertions, the ongoing outage being experienced by customers of Cyberwing has resulted from Cyberwing's repeated failure to pay to...