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In the TOS with my ISP, it says I can't host a website from my computer using their service. (Theoretically), If I decided run Apache server and host myself, will they have any way of detecting it?
Looking for a free host with the following:
30-50MB disk space
1GB transfer
Domain hosting
Mp3 support (They are my original works)
Filesize limit over 2MB
Preferrably no ads, but some are ok.
I'm lookin for a host that will support my domain with at least 50MB space, 1 GB bandwidth, ftp support, and will let me post my mp3's (I have the copyrights). Also, no ads would be nice, along with no filesize limit smaller than 2.5MB
Ok, I've been browsing around for cheap paid hosts and found
Does anyone have any experience with them and can give me feedback?
I'm looking for a hosting plan with:
100-200 MB space
1-2GB bandwidth
3 or more POP3 Email acounts
Frontpage or FTP support
All within the range of $5-$6/month
Also somewhat reliable. I know its cheap and i shouldn't ask for reliable but I want something that isn't going to be down...
Thanks, but no thanks. Hostultra has a limit of 1MB, and spaceports says I have to fax them copyright permission even if I own the copyrights (I'm posting music of my band). Sounds like too much trouble to me. so now I'm going to edit my post...
*also, spaceports says it only gives 20MB
Need a host
I need a host with at least 50MB space, 1GB bandwidth/month, domain hosting, and supports either ftp or Frontpage.
Also, Filesize limit greater than 2mb.
I recently got webspace with a free host. The rules say I need to have the site up within 2 days of activation and it got activated today. Frontpage Extensions are installed but i dont know where to publish to. When I push publish on Frontpage, it brings up a menu that asks what address to...
Ok, I'll settle for 25 MB, frontpage or FTP, at least 1GB badnwidth, and domain hosting.
Netfirms TOS says they dont support files over 256k on free servers, nor do they support mp3's or most other music files.
If anyone knows of a host that supports these, please let me know.