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Enom is pretty cool in that many resellers use it, and it has a "push" option that allows for instant transfer between enom accounts (so you don't have to wait the customary 1 week).
PHP is the way to go, it's not easy at first, but a very valuable skill to learn. You'll be able to integrate forums like phpBB into your own sites as well as CMSs like Wordpress. I recommend the paid tutorials at (and no, I'm not getting paid to refer you there).
I have a contact form on my site but I still get lots of spam. I think bots see it as an add-a-comment form. I even added a captcha and it didn't help much.
Don't confuse iFrames with frames. Two totally different things. iFrames are good for imbedding content, etc. They're not meant for site layout. Most major browsers support iFrames, so use then when you want to include a portion of another website on your page.
If you're looking for very comprehensive tutorials about anything, Photoshop included and you don't mind spending a bit of money, try It costs $30 bucks/mo, but it's totally worth it. You'll earn that money back through increased productivity a hundred fold. Good-tutorials is my...
You want a dynamic site, and that's gonna require some backend work, which would be PHP or ASP. I strongly recommend PHP. You'd need a database to hold the info added by your users -- that requires mySQL knowledge and the appropriate hosting. This sort of project isn't for complete web newbies...
I prefer WP myself if I were held at gunpoint and had to choose an CMS. Ideally though, I prefer to build from the ground up because you really do need that level of customization once you're developing serious sites. I've tricked out WP themes to before, but it's almost easier to do it from...
Increase the traffic to your website, then start to test different advertising sizes and types, and place your ads at strategic places, till you different the best ads that have top click through rate.