Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
We have the these FREE plans available:
Bronze: 500 megabytes space / 10 gigabytes transfer
Silver: 1000 megabytes space / 50 gigabytes transfer
Gold: 2000 megabytes space / 100 gigabytes transfer
Linux hosting, DirectAdmin control panel, fast servers!
We have the these FREE plans available:
Bronze: 500 megabytes space / 10 gigabytes transfer
Silver: 1000 megabytes space / 50 gigabytes transfer
Gold: 2000 megabytes space / 100 gigabytes transfer
Linux hosting, DirectAdmin control panel, fast servers!
We have the these FREE plans available:
Bronze: 500 megabytes space / 10 gigabytes transfer
Silver: 1000 megabytes space / 50 gigabytes transfer
Gold: 2000 megabytes space / 100 gigabytes transfer
Linux hosting, DirectAdmin control panel, fast servers!
You can also hire a server hardening service if you need the peace of mind. Many of them offer one-time hardening options so you don't have to pay monthly for management.
If the user is trusted and has a good reason for such requirements, then I don't think that would be a problem. There's no hard and fast rules because we look at each site on an individual basis.
It's something we'd have to discuss on a case-by-case basis... We insist on a quick chat first just to ensure there are no abusive users. Some people want to do things that aren't illegal (e.g. IRC eggdrop bot) but we'd still say no to something like that.
We are still developing our site but have the following plans available:
Bronze: 500 megabytes space / 10 gigabytes transfer
Silver: 1000 megabytes space / 50 gigabytes transfer
Gold: 2000 megabytes space / 100 gigabytes transfer
Linux hosting, DirectAdmin control panel, fast servers...
GeorgeB: I've found the same thing as the other poster.. Craigslist isn't the best place and even if you do generate business from it then you will find the people to be very thrifty and demanding.
Same advice: "Create" a subdomain in your control panel first, then the contents of that directory will show up in your subdomain. Creating a subdirectory isn't enough because the webserver needs to know you intend it to be a subdomain (something your control panel sets for you when you use the...
I have to echo stuffradio on this one... Telus is a huge company (telecom) so they are 100% legitimate. Certainly not here today, gone tomorrow. I'll also confirm that they can be a royal pain to deal with sometimes. :biggrin2:
I'd have to agree with deeplist. Personally I've installed Windows 7 for home users and they love it. However, a lot of businesses are still buying XP licenses and won't even touch Windows 7. I even saw that IBM/Lenovo is still including XP with some of the Thinkpads. A lot of people have...
I'd say the control panel is one of the first things people look at. It never hurts to offer one of the popular panels (Cpanel or Directadmin) because a less-popular control panel might scare people off. If it's paid hosting you are talking about, then I think one of these is a must!
I'm guessing there would be some financial partnership if the service started offering a paid-hosting option? At the moment he's not asking for money, and only a couple hours a week of time, so it might be good practice for someone. Or even a good project for a designer's portfolio.
Webin is free but don't expect it to match cpanel/Directadmin in terns of features.
However I discovered one "plus" with Webmin: We installed DirectAdmin over top and both seemed to function fine with no data damage. So it was a painless control panel upgrade. (Caveat: This was a couple...
I can't understand how a money-back guarantee or free trial could scare people away. I think a satisfaction guarantee is a normal part of this competitive business so it couldn't hurt you to offer one. I'm trying to think as a potential customer.. 7 days might not be enough time to test out a...
Would you guys know which free forum software is easiest to skin? I'm looking to install phpbb but curious how hard modifications are if you arent' a web designer. Or the availability of free skins/themes? Some resources for that would be appreciated.
Closing unused ports is a big one but also watch out for software with vulnerabilities. It pays to be on mailing lists for all services your machine runs, so you can update software quickly in case a security hole is discovered.
Hello everyone! We are starting to offer some free web hosting and this seems like the right place to be. Hopefully we offer advice as well as receive some. :biggrin2: Thanks!
It would certainly be considered paid hosting since the hosting is dependent on the purchase of something else. It's technically a package deal (domain + hosting) but claiming "free" hosting is certainly a legit advertising tactic.