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Search results

  1. H

    cPanel Request

    I would want an onshore cPanel hosting account with these features: 7-15GB Diskspace 20GB Bandwidth Unlimited Email Unlimited Subdomain ( No Add-on domain would do, but it would be always better if the feature is available ) How much can I pay? 2$ / Month If my request is over my...
  2. H

    Free VPS Request

    Hi FWS! I would kindly want to request a FREE Vps. It will be used for AFK'ing my gaming account. Any specs would do, I just need admin rights. I won't use it in any illegal Matter. PLEASE!!! Thank you very much ( If you want, as a token of appreciation, I will put a linkback of you...
  3. H

    Offshore Alpha Reseller - Post2Host or Paid

    there's no assuming needed since his request is clearly stated in his topic here, a Slap-You-Silly Question for you: Is post2host paid? Is there a section that is named: Post2Host Requests? So do you even have an idea where to post Post2Host Requests? ofc since its free, they will post it...
  4. H

    Offshore Alpha Reseller - Post2Host or Paid

    Then what do you mean by this? They never requested for a free service. Just because you didn't read the thread properly, you would have complete rights to say such words? I believe it is a mere insult! I believe you are not explaining, explaining and concluding is a big difference...
  5. H

    Request: Free cPanel Hosting Site!

    Contact Form Sent, I now need some more offers!
  6. H

    Offshore Alpha Reseller - Post2Host or Paid

    Do not act as if you know everything. There surely is a reason for this request, and it is a request after all, don't jump into conclusions or whatsoever. Learn to respect the author.
  7. H

    Request: Free cPanel Hosting Site!

    Gladly! How would I contact you?
  8. H

    Request: Free cPanel Hosting Site!

    in the game im building this site, there are like 7+ Hacking sites, so who would offer them? I believe they are under free hosting companies, cause I somehow described the 'HACK' word in a different sense, 'HACK' is not as bad as what you seem to think it would be , e.g. SPAM BOTS,HOST BOTS, and...
  9. H

    Request: Free cPanel Hosting Site!

    actually, this is a forum site, dicussions would be more of Gaming Hacks, not much of torrents and others. ( LINKBACK WILL BE PROVIDED! ) anyone can offer me? this is urgent! If we are happy about your services, we would eventually upgrade our site from FREE to PAID.
  10. H

    Request: Free cPanel Hosting Site!

    Our site discuss gaming hacks,programming, and a marketplace for gaming accounts,torrents, and so much more. and I kinda disagree with your idea to put forced ads in every page of mine. Sorry, I'm currently waiting for other's offers! thank you! and I changed some of my requirements...
  11. H

    Request: Free cPanel Hosting Site!

    Needed a free cPanel hosting site! - 3-5gb diskspace - 8-10gb or more bandwidth - unlimited everything OR - 7-10gb diskspace - 15-20gb or more bandwidth - unlimited everything ( LINKBACK WILL BE PROVIDED! ) Our site is not small Please help us, our team really needs a reliable...