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I need a free domain hosting service that has no ad and offer cgi-bin. Don't need much space, about 5mb, because I'm just going to run a topsite website.
I'm planning to transfer my free domain from to which I found on this board. I don't know if they charge for domain transfer or not. The site says that domain transfer is free but it also say it cost $9.99 per domain( ).
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what a shame..... had one of the greatest service for a free hosting site. They were updating their servers and they let new users sign up again about 1 week ago. Then they just drop dead.
Yes it is free. Both and are provided by the same company (i think) and they have great service. I can't remember a time when their servers are down.
Sign up for domain hosting from and then edit you nameserver at . I believe there nameservers are and . Why use url redirecting when you could get real domain hosting.
10 mb is good enough
10 mb is good enough if you use MySQL and PHP because all the data is store in the MySQL database :D and you can have multiple database per account. I'm switching from perl scripts to php scripts, save me a lot of space.
Is more like or Cuz is give you crappy shit, you can't use your own nameservers. Or is it like, you may do anything you want with it.
Your using it right now!!!!!!
Your board that you want is what you are using right now, it's called vBulletin but it's written in php. If you know a little about php, you might know that it's a whole lot faster than perl. The great thing about this board is its templates. It have a template for...
I have a question regarding domainzero's policy. I'm currently have an account from domainzero and want to know what would happen after a year when my account expire. Would I be able to continue to own it for free or would I have to purchase it? If I would have to purchase it, could I get it for...
You can use with as long as you use their nameservers. If you use a name server of a site where you domain is hosted at, you may not be able to use it with