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large user base with many modifications and themes available .
-Lays very high significance on security .
-Large forums like Prize live too use it without many hick ups , so stability is never an issue .
-Oldest of the 3 forums in this list afaik
-mod installation is as simple as browse and...
Hi everyone,
I am using the window 7 version this is my favorite window,i am still using the window 7 because i am totally statisfy with it and working speed is much better then other window.
Firefox is the best one web browser site,this is my favorite web browser.I am using just firefox for internet working the get a much better working speed .
Also I want to start my hosting company in Iran which offer WHM and Master WHM.
For beginning I need one WHM which I can pay 5$/m for WHM (50$/y much better)
And I start selling your WHM.
Do you know anything that looks good, is free, and works under Shared Hosting ?
Sorry for bumping my question in this thread, but I think it will help the OP too, as it's in the same subject.
Google chrome is also part of Google search engine.Now a days mostly people use the google chrome rather then the any explorer.Mostly people avoid to use the internet explorer because working speed is slow and not good results.
I want to say that prices is really good of all things.
Cpu: Intel Penntium 4 2.8GHz
Memory: 1024 MB
Uplink Speed: 100 Megabit
Bandwidth: 1500 GB
Hard Drive 1: 160GB SATAII
I like the FireFox 4.I have totally me work is done on firefox because I like it. I still prefer Opera because it's a tad faster, but this is still a very solid browser.
Me love window 7.With the window 7 i am totally satisfy with it.I have installed in laptop and work fastlly and smoothly i have no any single faults saw in it.