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You have to participate in community projects to recieve hosting. They offer the basics (perl, php coming soon, ssi etc). If you're into that kind of thing you may want to check it out
I'm a jeek (jock geek ;))
When some of you say you know more then your teachers do you just mean computer class wise or in other subjects like maths, science etc?
Check out
PHP,MySQL,CGI, 300mb if you go higher then that you have to have banners. Not sure about bandwidth.
Oh, and its been up longer then 2 weeks ;)
Might be worth checking out guys, later.
Why dont you sign up with or etc. I've heard that they dont mind what you put on there, because its all confidential.
So there are 2 ways people can access your files:
-You can link to the file (may be hard to do..).
-or you could give them access for...
Agum, all I meant is that you have to balance it out.
Running a site is one thing. But running a business?
BTW, how were you failing by hanging out with friends and the like? If I can do it and not fail then anyone can :)
[Edited by RussellG on 11-23-2000 at 03:17 AM]
No offense to the people who are complaining about being 15, but get a life.
I'm 15 and happy. I dont have many responsibilities meaning I can go out (going out is when you go outside and do stuff with your 'offline' friends) pretty much when I like.
I suppose you all want to grow up to... heres what they offer:
-15 MB Disk Space on our UK Servers
-100 MB of free bandwidth per month = 2500 pageviews
Link to us with a button at your startpage and you get 500 Megs free, details at signup page.
-CGI-BIN, SSI, PHP4 enabled
-Free Subdomain...