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I think social media pretty much killed the internet, and destroyed the internet as a form of self expression and integrated communication. The internet is shrinking. There used to be millions of people making random websites and stuff... now the internet is basically Google, Facebook, Youtube...
Nobody really. I guess. :confused4
And Peo is still checking in on! I'm surprised. The internet has really changed since the old days, I think social media has really killed most peoples desire to have a site that they would need free hosting for; and I think the...
Well, we went diving today. Things didn't go entirely as planned, so I don't have the awesome pictures I had planned on. Maybe next week. Until then, however, this is the best I got...
This isn't a picture of me diving, because we didn't have a camera because we were beginning I guess, but see below for a great picture of me snorkelling with sharks!
We are going diving with the underwater camera on Tuesday, so I will come and post some pics of it then...
Hey guys! I just stumbled upon this here thread! Too tired right now to read through it all... what's the story? I think a gathering is long overdue...