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site and domains have been listed on flippa
You can own a .au domain if your a foreign company registered to do business in Australia costs around $600 or you need an ABN if your in Australia
PRICE DROP BIN $500 firm below domain value sites and customers included first to post sold or pm gets it also posted on other forums.
will need an abn or abr for .au domains buyer to pay C.O.R for the .au domains held with verntaip approx $80 for all 4 .au names
included are
will also throw in
very easy to increase client signups with little effort e.g get some woothemes and offer to local business...
Direct to bank is the past many leading banks now offer this technology depending on your billing systems
paypal and alert pay if no merchant account you can accept credit cards with a business paypal account
some countries can not use paypal.
Several file sharing hosts have closed up shop after mega upload was taken down they don't want to face the same problems it would seem
pretty annoyed filesonic went down lots of good stuff shared there
Yes you can use wamp to set it up but what about bandwidth your better off buying a box and co-locating if you must have your own server.
severs run quite hot so you would also need a good cooling room
Just get some friends together and get a real dedicated server lots of of paid web hosts don't allow mine craft servers so I don't think you'll find a decent free solution.
I always back up my files servers no mattter how good they are or size of the company can crash and loose data
some good web hosting companies provide routine backups
Several free web hosts a safe can't see what the point would be in taking someones database user details etc unless the web host doesn't want any customers and destroy their company word gets around pretty quick when it comes to bad web hosting companies.
unfortunately the newbie doesn't understand why they would pay for x amount of space resources when they can get unlimited so much cheaper in reality they will need to upgrade if the website they are running gets popular.
If you want to install wordpress with your own domain there is a few free web hosts around that offers this take a look in the free web host offers section