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Hi FWS providers!
I am in the need for one reseller account. Please read below for my specifications required:
1GB+ Space
10GB+ Bandwidth
10+ Accounts
If you can meet these requirements, please offer a price...
After careful consideration, I am selling off my webhost that is a bit different then others. The host's name is InstaFree, and it is based around the Survey4Hosting model that we developed.
Users get hosting by going to our site, completing a survey (powered by CPALead) and then receiving...
cPanel licenses cost $7 minimum, so unless you are going to generate them $10+ in revenue they won't do it. And if you can generate them $10+ in revenue, then you might as well get $10 for yourself and buy the license.
Hi There,
It seems that the advertiser we're using is having the same problems as it did on InstaFree Classic. As I can see you've obviously done a survey, send me an email at and I'll create your account for you. Sorry about your bad experience and I'll try to get that...
Hi There,
We require 1-2 banner advertisements per site. This will change per user and we work with the client to decide on banner placements. You can put your own adverts along with ours.
After months of preparation, InstaFree 2.0 has finally arrived! With our brand new site, community, Quad-Core server and order system, we are just waiting for more customers to come and join us!
We also now offer Advert Supported hosting for those who do not want to complete surveys for their...
Hi There TaoPheonix,
Unfortunately, it seems that most surveys require personal details. We don't set the amount of information required by the advertiser, and we don't ask for any personal details ourselves. We although plan to change our signup systems within the next month, so you may find...
Hi There,
Surveys are available in 65% of the world. Unfortunately, at this time some countries may not be able to sign up. This will be resolved next month when service will be available in every country.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
InstaFree provides free cPanel webhosting, reseller hosting and even free domain names with NO ads and no posting! How sweet is that?
InstaFree will be undergoing some major changes within the next month and so this may be your last chance to get the below plans from us, for...
Hello There i2Chat,
Sorry I did not reply before now - I do not appear to be getting emails from FWS when people reply.
I have checked into your account and found that you are correct - Your account shows that you ordered a reseller, whilst the billing does not. I have upgraded you to a...
InstaFree provides free cPanel webhosting, reseller hosting and even free domain names with NO ads and no posting! How sweet is that?
Free Shared
1,000MB Space
10,000MB Bandwidth
20 Addon...