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well I think I was almost here before peo lol. When I first joined, it was the original BB style of
Sigh... guess Peo never comes in anymore... he hasnt said HEY WEBDUDE!! LONG TIME NO SEE!! :P
Just lettin all ya yunguns know how long this site has been around lol - see my join date as proof :)
Been a while, anything new?? I see a few things..
I left, the toothless women kept trying to get me. Not to mention stripper night was the same thing over and over, and the stage wasnt big enough for their walkers because the pole was in the way.
lmfao..... remember he tried to get me banned for that, along with me ragging on the ejection seats their helicopters have?
They were Adobe subs btw :P
I would maybe go... if it's at a good strip club. I could get Jan drunk and let her give me that lap dance she's always wanted to give...
Wuts WHT??? :P
Man I just downloaded Netscape 12.2 and it whoops IE/FF/Chrome/ and Safari!!!!
riiiight - just saw the Netscape icon down there, so dont cream yer panties lol
Yup lol. 7th user here and like 20th on the original hahaha, crap I'm old....
I remember when the internet was text and no images, or anything else for that fact... My first dialup modem was like the size of a cinder block and the phone hand set would sit on top of it lol
And cute little bunnies. And I wasnt hitting up on Jan, she wanted me and started stalking me. I mean really, she became a mod at several forums I frequent just so she could keep an eye on me :P
I'm ... trying ... to ... remember ... but ... brain ... is ... tired
There was someone before Giancarlo that could argue with a brick wall and NOT get offended if it said something back to him...
Was his name Ron Segal?
Do you ever lookup reeeaaally old threads and think to yourself "I seriously dont remember posting that!"? I do, just did, and will probably do that to this thread again in 5-10 more years :P
Watcha got to say now Blank? This time it's more than a couple o months :D