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The control panel is currently written in PHP and contains a simple file manager, edit file feature, login system and admin list accounts features. (Adding features as I have time)... The installation script is a .sh file that uninstalls all versions of php, mysql and apache then installs a...
Written a control panel before, it was just a layered one (you installed it into another control panel like cpanel) so its not that hard lol... Took about 2 months when i didn't know what i was doing. At this point I've got alot of it figured out the installation script was the hard part.
We use a dual server setup so that if one server needs to be taken offline for updates the other one is still online, so to answer your question: Yes our kernel is up to date.
Good point, we didn't bother to hook that system up, but I'll make sure our techs do it tomorrow morning. I'll also...
Well its still in the development phase so I'll be posting again when I'm looking for beta testers. There is no guarantee at the moment that it won't have a security issue, simply put it isn't even finished yet
In another one of my posts I posted about how I was going to be building a control panel. Assuming that this control panel had similar features to what Direct Admin has at launch and was priced at $2.99 a month would you try it?
I'm thinking of having a beta launch with roughly 500...
I've decided I'm going to build my own control panel, however I need some help getting started. I'm unsure how to make the server give/receive the correct files from each domain. As some of you may know a control panel puts each users files into a folder like this...